
Unlocking the Power of Website Translation

In today’s interconnected world, the benefits of website translation are immeasurable. Consider these compelling reasons to embrace a multilingual online presence:

Embracing the Global Audience

With a staggering 72% of internet users being non-English speakers, the potential for engagement on a global scale is vast. Over 1 billion individuals surf the web in languages other than English. By catering to this diverse audience, your business stands to reap substantial rewards.

The Language of Conversion

Statistics tell a powerful tale: website visitors are 4 times more likely to make a purchase from a website presented in their native language. The conversion potential is heightened when you break down language barriers and connect with your audience on a personal level.

Expanding Horizons, Generating Revenue

Translation isn’t just about communication; it’s about expansion. A translated website opens doors to new markets and amplifies your customer base. This, in turn, generates a steady revenue stream, solidifying your business’s growth trajectory.

Tapping into Global Queries

Surpassing the language boundaries leads to unlocking a multitude of search queries. More than 50% of Google searches are submitted in languages other than English. What’s intriguing is that over a third of these queries originate from European languages, marking a significant opportunity to tap into untapped markets.

A Strategic Entry into New Markets

A multilingual website serves as a strategic testing ground for international markets, allowing you to gauge demand and response before investing heavily. This isn’t just about website translation; it’s about testing the waters for new product development, diversification, and global growth.

Tailoring Solutions to Your Needs

Our Approach to Website Translation:

  • Translation Consultation and Planning: We delve into the core of your business to recommend the languages that will maximize your impact. With a thorough understanding of your language requirements, we craft a tailored plan for a multilingual web presence.
  • Partial Website Translation: We strategically translate key pages to analyze effects and responses, ensuring cost savings and a need-based approach before translating the entire site.
  • Full Website Translation: Our adept team merges technical expertise with linguistic finesse, ensuring cultural nuances and industry terminology are seamlessly integrated into your multilingual website.
  • Website Internationalization and Proofreading: Your dedicated project manager ensures that your website’s structure, content, and graphics harmonize naturally and accurately. This comprehensive approach guarantees a satisfying outcome for your translated website.

At Randa Translation, we harness the power of website translation to elevate your global reach and business success. Reach out today to transform your online presence and connect with a world of possibilities.